Legislation Amendments (20-05-2015)

Legislation Amendments

Business Consultants Association

Establishment- Association's Name-Headquarters

Article 1

           Business Consultants & Development-Panhellenic Union,establishes the Association with brand name "Business Consultants Association with callsign title (ΣΥ.Σ.ΕΠ.)".Headquarters of the Association ar located in 25B Koleti str - Thessaloniki .The Association will have the form of Non-Governmental and Non-Profit Organization with certain objectives as mentioned below.



Article  2

The objectives of the Association is research as well as the preservation and promotion of common financial, social and professional interests of its members, as part of the community service.

In particular, the objectives of the Association are:

1.Cultivation, assist, develop and spread the spirit of trade unionism in the business consulting sector.

2.The systematic study of the problems the sector is facing, in order to reach the moste appropriate resolution collectively.

3.Encouraging and promoting cooperation of the Accosiation's members in order to  effectively  protect and promote  our financial, occupational and insurance interests.

4.To develope the  spirit of solidarity and mutual aid among members , to achieve better conditions in professional training and better social and educational status.

5.To help and promote professional training and specialization among the members.Να υποβοηθάει την επαγγελματική κατάρτιση και ειδίκευση των μελών του.

6. To create  certification processes for the members  and professional vesting.


Article 3

 In order to fulfill  these objectives,the Association can :

1.Be addressed to public, administrative and judicial authorities, local government, domestic and international cooperative organizations and representatives of various social groups, on any matter concerning the professional interests of its members.

2. Conduct any lawful form of demonstrations and activities to enforce and resolve problems and safeguard the professional, economic and social interests of its members.

3. Use all appropriate means of informing the public and the civil services on matters  of interest to the sector in order to promote them.

4.Seek to represent the Association in Councils, Committees , State Agencies, Local Authorities, and Government bodies in general , on matters directly or indirectly related to the industry.

5.Publish books,and brochures of professional or educational interest and enhance such forms that contribute to the development of the trade union movement, the professional training and awareness  on industry issues.

6.Be associated and cooperating with trade unionists and others, on shared growth objectives and promoting the collective interests of its members.

7.Participate in senior trade union organizations, with identical goals and ambitions as well as international institutions and organizations with similar objectives.

8.Establish appropriate services and office machinery and enriches them with the necessary means.

9.Contribute to the establishment of a fund for members as well as  special financial account within the Association.

10.Contribute to the training of members of the Association on the subject of their work. In particular may organize training courses and business missions for its members or for other businesses to promote the interests of its members.

11.Participate, coordinate and manage European-financed programs for the benefit and promotion of the Association objectives and its Members. Also may participate in common actions in cooperation with local,regional,national and foreign clubs, to promote European coherence and policies, for the benefit of its members.

12.Undertake implementation - organization of counseling and support activities related to unemployment and to help specific vulnerable groups, promote equality and fight discrimination, promote awareness of citizenship, publicity and volunteering.All this with the participation of its members.Generally the Association  can offer consulting services in the fields of Business Management, Research, Finance, Communication, Marketing, Logistics and Human Resources Management.

13.Create, implement and verify certification skills.


1. The Association has the right to establish local branches  throughout the Greek Territory.

2. The Administrative Council of the Association has the right  (No. 16 -18 present document) under the authority of the General Assembly  (No. 12 – 15 present document) can establish local branches wherever is considered necessary or repeal existing ones.

3. Members of local branches are those of the members of the Association serving the area covered by the local branch and wish to participate.

4. Bodies of each Branch is the Assembly of the Branch and the Administrative Committee. Regular Local Assemblies are one (1) once a year and extraordinary, at the request of the Administrative Council or the Local Committee of the Branch or one quarter (¼) of good standing members of the Local Branch.

5. The Local Assembly elects the Administrative Committee, consisting of the President and the Secretary and which is responsible for the work of the Local Assembly for a term equivalent to the Administrative's Council.

6. For the quorum of the Local Assemblies, the requirements can be found in  Article 14 hereof (Convocation of General Meeting) paragraph 4.

7. The decisions of the Assemblies of local branches are always taken by secret vote or openly vote, but never "by acclamation" and by the  majority of the present members  in accordance with Article 15 hereof. These decisions are notified only to the Council.

8. The general principles applicable to the General Assembly Association,apply also to the Local Assembly.

9. Already by the present Act are established the following local branches. Members and management of these local branches are members of the Association, serving in the area covered by the local branch, as follows:




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10. All provisions regarding  the representation of the local branches, the convening of the Council, its administration, decision making etc. apply in cases where the local branches consisting of a single member. In these cases, this member  operates legally and can decide as Administrative Council and Administrative Committee of the Local Branch.The same applies in any other case that the members of the local branch  fall short on positions required for the administration and operation of the relevant Branch.These members can take over multiple roles and positions after voting between them according to what it is specified in the relevant provisions of this in relation to polls.


Registered Office

Article  4

Headquarters of the Association is located in 25 B Koleti str. Thessaloniki but the Association's activities are nationwide and may extend and outside the Greek territory.The Association may establish Branches in other cities in Greece and abroad for the support of the local members and the local  activities.


Article 5

1.Regular revenues of the Association is the annual subscription for every member, established  by the General Assembly. The amount may be adjusted by the General Assembly of members. The subscription rights and revenues can fluctuate from the Administrative Council, which is ratified by the the next General Assembly.

2.Exceptional income of the Association are the special contributions of the members, decided by the Council, voluntary contributions from members, revenue from the exploitation of  the Association's property, from bequests, donations, from celebrations,excursions, from sales, interest payments from investments and dividends, lottery, from State funding, the European Union and International Organisations, publications, advertisements, etc.

3.The income of the Association is available for operational expenses, for staff salaries, local travel and representation expenses of the Board, Audit Committee, of the representatives and for  any other perpose  of the Association, included in the budget.

Anonymous donations are not accepted.

The annual financial  period (use) of the Association corresponds to the calendar year.




Article 6

Members of the Association are divided into Regular & Provisional Members.

Regular Members

1.Every individual and legal entity that exclusively works as a business consultant for at least two consecutive years can register as a regular member of the Association.The exercise of the profession is demonstrated by the opening statement of the trade of the business consultant to the competent tax office and tax returns submitted by a minimum turnover of 50,000 annually in the last year.It is necessary having a higher education degree, or certificate / s of training, relevant to the subject. The founding members are considered automatically Regular members without the obligation to comply to this requirement.

Provisional Members

1. Provisional member can be every physical person and legal entity that exclusively works as a business consultant and exercise of the profession is demonstrated by the opening statement of the trade of the business consultant to the competent Tax Office. provisional member becomes regular when the requirements to become a regular member are met , upon approval from the Board.






Article 7

1. To become a member of the Association one  must submit to the Council  written request, registered in the Association inwards and which contains:

  1. name and exact address
  2. Status and specialization with which the applicant is engaged
  3. Identity card number & Social  Security Fund
  4. a declaration that it accepts the legal decisions of both the General Assembly and the Board of the Association and to pay the registration fee
  5. home and work phone number.
  6. e-mail address. (Email)

2.        Registration is made upon decision of the Administrative Council in the first date after filing the application avaliable for  meeting and the decision shall be notified no later than one (1) month after they were  issued. At the same time the subscription's amount to be payed, is determined by the General Assembly, which is not offset by the annual fee. With the registration form of member the Association may publish a member's ID. The Council may reject an application for membership either in absence of certain conditions or by the presence of criteria that affect the professional credibility of the industry.

If no decision is taken within a month, then the person concerned shall be registered . If the application is rejected, the Council  adopts decision thereon the reasons for its refusal and notify no later than three months to the person concerned. In this case the person concerned may apply for registration by judgment of the next the General Meeting. In case of a positive decision, the registration is considered valid from the day submitted to the Administrative Council  by the relevant registration form, without affecting the validity of any decision taken in the meantime. The member who registers, participates in the General Meetings normally and in accordance with the provisions of  the Association's legislation and as long as it is registered in the membership book.

3. Along with the application the applicant shall provide to the Association of affirmation for the main professional organization has chosen to exercise its right of electing delegates to the second level associations.

4. Each member is allowed to make changes to the main professional organization, with new simultaneous formal declaration , to the administrations of both organizations, and only if three years have passed from the exercise of the right to vote in the primary organization which wishes to change.

5. Each member has the obligation to notify the Association without delay any changes regarding it's business address.


Article  8

1.Every Association's member has the right to:

a)Participate in regulal or exceptional General Meetings of the Association.

b)To check the Council and to comment on every matter falling within the scope of the Association, and to require the implementation of decisions of the meeting for the implementation of the Association's objectives.

c)To ask the support of the Association in every effort aimed at the interests of its members and which fall within the statutory objectives of the Association. A necessary prerequisite of this is the written request of the member and its approval by the Coucil of the Association.

d)To make known the problems - requests and to ask for a solution or assistance from the Association.

e)To contribute in the configuration of the agenda of the General Meetings and Congresses with written suggestions - recommendations to the Council.

2. To be elected to the Council and other statutory bodies of the Association and Committees and to be representative in senior trade union organizations to which the Association belongs, as long as it has passed at least one year from registration. Exclusion of the term for the first year is the election of the first Coucil. The right to vote and to be elected in case of members that are legal entities is given to only one person per Legal Form, and this person must be a partner, and / or Permanent  Officer. This person is stated in the registration form to the Association and changed only a document from the Legal Form and acceptance of change by the Council.

3. Be aware of  the records of the General Meetings , to request and receive copies of them and other documents relating to and updated on the progress of the industry issues.



Article  9

Every member has the following obligations :

1.To participate in General meetings and any other activity of the Association and to assist local management bodies in the exercise of their tasks and objectives.

2.To comply with the legislation and  with  the General meeting's decisions, the Council and other bodies of the Association and to immediately inform the Administration of any change on his professional situation.

3.Not to  go against the interests of the Association and act with respect to the representatives of the Association and Administrative Council.

4.To regularly fulfill of the annual financial obligations to the Association the first quarter of every year designated by the Administrative Council  and endorsed by the General Meeting.

5. Members are required to follow the Code of Ethics of the Association for which they will be updated during their subscription from  the Administrative Council, and any future amendment thereof.




1. By decision of the majority of the Administrative Council, each member that unduly delay it's annual fee for  more than one (1) year. and  proved to be formaly informed will be deleted. Once the member pays it's fee he can be a regular member again. For expulsion of the Administrative Council is required a 5/7 majority.

2.        a) By decision of the Board of the Association upon the proposal of the Bureau or one third (1/3) of the members of the Board of the Association and validation of the General Meeting each member, who systematically opposed to the aims of the Association or infringes statutes or decisions of the organs will be deleted.The General Meeting decides on deletion if therein represented 1/4 of economically arranged members with a 2/3 majority.The General Meeting is also responsible to deside the duration of a member's  explulsion .

b) Prior to the decision, formal letter of an explanation is requested at a certain time  by the member who is accused. If the member does not respond, the Administrative Council decides in absentia.

c) The decision on the deletion confirmed by the General Meeting in the first after issuance of the decision being convened. Members can propose the deletion of other members either by letter to the Administrative Council or during the General Meeting in compliance with the above.

d) Re-registration can be done at his request and decision of the Board of the Association, followed the same deletion process, confirmed by a decision of the first General Meeting.

e) Each member has the right to withdraw from the Association after his statement at the Administrative Council, which should be accompanied by acquittance until  that day and until the end of the year of unpaid subscriptions. He also obliged to deliver the member's identity, the Association booklet and any other documents of the Association held in.After their withdrawal all members are responsible for obligations they had until the day of the declaration of withdrawal.



Association's Members



Officers of Association of Administration and Inspection are:     

a)         The General Meeting

b)         The Administrative Council

c)         The Audit Committee



1.General Meeting is the supreme body of the Association.

2.At the General Meeting  only legitimate members of the Association  who have fulfilled their financial obligations up to the beginning of the Meeting can participate. Persons who have no connection with the Association can not attend to the General Meetings , unless  their presence is authorized  from the Administrative Council by a majority.

3.The General Meetings of the Association are divided into scheduled and unscheduled.



The General Meeting as the supreme and sovereign body of the Association shall decide on all matters concerning the Association, in particular:

1.Conduct an audit of administrative and financial transactions of the Board of the Association.

2.Decides on Administrative and Economical Report of the previous term of the Board of the Association and shall vote for next budget.

3.Elect the members of election commissions in accordance with the Articles of Association and the Regulations.

4.Amend, in accordance with relevant laws, this Legislation.

5.Discuss and decide on the problems of the members and the Association action plan.

6.Adjudicate finally on the entry and expulsion of members in accordance with the Statutes and Laws.

7. Elects and has the authority to  withdraw the Administrative Council or members thereof, the Audit Commission and the Representatives of the Association of trade unions which will be owned by the Association and controls their action.

8.Approve or reject the annual balance sheet.

9. Adopt, amend or supplement their annual budgets, income and expenses for each financial year and sets the travel expenses amounts, representation and travel costs of the administration.

10. Decides to accept donations, inheritances and bequests to  the Association.

11. Decides on the purchase or sale of real estate of the association for housing the offices and facilities of this and all relevant tangible property rights of the Association. In taking these decisions requires a majority of at least three-fourths (3/4) of those present at the General Meeting.

12.Decide on the dissolution of the Association, respecting the prescribed by law process and majority.

8.Discusses and decides on any other matter concerned.



1. The General Meeting of the Association scheduled meeting is once a year at the Associations headquarters and in the first four months of every year. The General Meeting is convened by decision of the Board of the Association, which defines and topics to be discussed upon invitation signed by the President and the Secretary General or their legal substitutes, which is sent to members at least eight days before the implementation of the General Meeting.

2. Unscheduled  General Meeting is convened if it considers this necessary in the Administrative Council or upon request of 1/5 of  members with no financial obligations, at least eight days before the Meeting, including written application which will include the discussion topics.

3. The invitations should  necessary include :

Α.The address, place, date and time of the General Meeting.

Β. The topics to be discussed.

4. For a decision at the Convention requires the presence of  at least 50% of the economically arranged members. If there is no quorum at the first meeting, this will be rearranged, without any further formality, at the same day two hours later, at which  the presence of a quarter (¼) of the economically arranged members is required.

If there is no quorum on the second convening, the General Assembly meets, without any further formality, the same day and time of the next week, at which any number ofeconomically arranged members is enough.

5. Also, the general meeting can be performed by emails  to email addresses that  members have given to the Association. The invitation is sent by email to all members by the email address that the Association possess. Members should confirm and reply that they recieved the invitation, within two days from the dispatch . This obligation will be indicated in the invitation they will be sent to them. If not answered the Association must  send the invitation to the member did not respond and inform the other members that an answer is expected from  the member that did not respond. If the member still does not respond within two days then the Association must make a phone call to the phone number registered to the Association informing about the Meeting. Any non-response either by mail or by telephone shall not affect the validity of the call.

6.Teleconference: The meeting may be conducted by teleconference provided that the system by which conducted the teleconference may record the discussions. If the Assembly is about to be conducted via videoconference ,the Association  must  sent by e-mail the link to the site from where users can download a copy of the recording. The details of the conference call must be included in the invitation. The Association must record the decisions in the Association books. Each member is entitled to require the conduct of the Meeting by teleconference instead of physical presence if nessesary.




  1. The decisions of the General Meeting are taken by absolute majority of those present.
  2. For the amendment of the Legislation, the change of purpose or dissolution of the association require a quorum of at least one half of the financial arranged members and a majority of three quarters (¾), that a quorum.
  3. Voting at General Meetings are divided into overt or covert. The overt can be done by  lifting the hand or roll call, but never by acclamation.

  4. Election is covert when refered to :
    a.Board elections, the Audit Committee elections,  Committee and Representatives of trade unions election.
    In enrolling in second degree trade unions and the selection of these main and for of each entry and selection change.
    c.In matters of trust to the Board.
    In personal matters.
    In Administrative and financial report.

5.it is permitted for a member to be authorized to vote on behalf of only one other member with written statement delivered to the Secretariat fo the General Meeting. The members are not allowed third party member or non-authorization for the participation of the administrative bodies, the General Meeting or the vote.

6. The General Meeting provisionally chaired by the Chairman of the Board or in his absence by his legal deputy. First topic of the General Meeting is the election of President, Vice president, secretary and scrutineer,  by an absolute majority of those present. If in case of two repeat voting , absolute majority is not made, the one who has the larger amount of votes,gets elected.

7. During polls third parties are  prohibited to be present in the General Meeting.

8. No decision is taken on a matter which is not listed in the invitation from  the General Meeting, unless requested by 2/3 of the members with no financial obligations.

9. For discussions in the General Meeting, polls and decisions adopted,complied in responsibility of the Secretary.Archives are recorded at the a special book and signed it, under paragraph 6 of Article thereof Bureau, the scrutineer and five of the members who participated in the General Meeting. These archives shall constitute proof of subject involved and retained at the  Associations' archive system.

10. General Meeting decisions through e mail.(electronic voting): It is permissible to adopt a general assembly decision through email exchange and electronic voting. Emails must  always addressed simultaneously to all recipients. The decisions taken are considered valid  only if all members send email that  expose very clearly the content of their vote. If the election is not completed within 10 days of its initiation, then the vote is canceled. The Association  must record the decisions in the Association books(Archives).



1. The Administrative Council is composed of seven (7) members, elected by the General Meeting through secret vote for three years, in the following provisions.

2. a. Candidates participate in elections in single ballot. Applications submitted to the Administrative Council of the Association at least three days before the General Meeting.

    b. The Administrative Council meets before the General Meeting and review the legality of the application and declares the member candidate.

    c. Candidates not proclaimed by the Administrative Council may take action to appeals to the General Assembly, which decides irrevocably.

   d. The elections shall be held at the offices of the Αssociation or in another place during the General Assembly or within ten days from the actual General Meeting.

3. The Board seats distributed among the individual candidates according to their electoral strength, the first seven to votes received, are members etc. 'Namely elected based on the amount of votes taken. The rest of the candidates are considered deputies.

4. In case of a tie, the President of the General Assembly conducts  a secret ballot.

5.Deputy consultants called according to the order they were elected respectively to replace a member of the Board of Directors in case of resignation, death, or a deduction.

6.In case of members replenishment inability , for any reason, General Meeting is convened on Election of New Board within 10 days.



1. The elected members of the Board shall meet at the invitation of the first consecutive , on the single ballot within eight (8) days of their election and forme a council  by a secret ballot.

A. Elections are conducted , for the  bureau members, with a simple proportional representation and in accordance with the proposals submitted, whenever  there are  more than one combination involved at the Administrative Council.

B. Then vote is taken to elect, by an absolute majority of those present of any officer of the Council, ie President, Vice President, etc.

C. If there is no certain results fom the elections, for  one or more of the above positions, and after a second ballot, repeated always the same day the election, so the first in order of merit, regardless of number of votes, occupying the same rank.

2. The title of the President, Vice President, Secretary and Cashier shall not be the same person or relatives of first or second degree and more than two members from the same company or affiliated companies.

3. The Administrative Council shall meet at the headquarters of the Association, upon invitation of the President or in case of impediment,of the Vice President and the General Secretary or at the request of one third (1/3) of its members notified three (3) days before the meeting. The invitation must include the subjects to be discussed with  the Administrative Council.

4. The Administrative Council meets regularly every month, or in extraordinary occasions. Majority of the Council is considered when half of the Administrative Council's members are present ,plus one along with th presence of the President or the Vise President. Decisions are adopted by absolute majority of those present. In case of a tie,  the President's or his deputy's vote counts for two.

5. When the number of Board members is reduced for any reason, the Administrative Council is supplemented by the substitute members in accordance with paragraph 13 of the previous Article 14 as long as their number does not  exceed the number of members of the parties. If the list of substitute members of the parties is been used up or not it is possible to supplement the Board quorum, without the number of substitutes in any case exceed the number of regular members , the General Assembly meets within 30 days, uppon invitation of the President of the Administrative Council or the Vice President and this shall be done  at least five days before the meeting of  the General Assembly and on the election of the Board .In this case the proposals of candidates are submitted to the Election Commission.

6.In case of resignation, death, disqualification or continuous incapacity of the President or another member of the Bureau, in 3 consecutive meetings, the Administrative Council elects new to replace it until the end of its term.

7. Also the convening of the board can be  made through email to email addresses that have been stated the Coucil.The invitation can be sent by email to all members of the Board to the e-mail addresses that the Association maintains.Board members must respond within two days  all the other members of the Board that they received the invitation. This obligation will be indicated in the invitations will be sent. If a member does not respond an invitation is send again  to the member of the Board who did not respond and  the other members of the Board must be informed that the response of the Board member is expected.If the member does not respond again within 2 days , the Council should inform the meber via phone . Any non-response either electronically or by telephone shall not affect the validity the invitation.

8. Teleconference: The meeting of the board may be conducted by teleconference on condition that the system whereby the teleconference is conducted may record the discussions. If the board conduct the meeting via teleconference,the Association must provide  by e-mail the link from which the members of the Board  can download a copy of the recording. The details of the teleconference must be included in the invitation. The Association must record the decisions taken in the Association's archives.Every member of the Board has the right to require the conduct of the meeting by teleconference instead of physical presence if required.

9. Board decisions by email exchange (electronic voting)It is permissible taking board decisions through email exchange and electronic voting. The emails must always addressed simultaneously to all recipients. The decisions taken are considered valid only if all board members send email ,setting out very clearly the content of their vote. If the vote is not completed within 10 days of its initiation, then the vote is canceled.The Association  must record the relevant decisions in to archives.



1.The Administrative Council shall administer and manage the affairs of the Association and directs it's actions, in pursuing to accomplish of the goals of the ARTICLE 2 of the Legislation.

Specifically the Administrative Council :

  1. Supervises and manages the affairs and property the Association and ensure the proper conservation and valorization thereof.
  2. Rents appropriate areas, to house the offices of the association and the exercise of the functions thereof.
  3. Hire the necessary clerical staff and dismiss it and determine the salaries, fees and their remuneration.
  4. Draws up the annual budgets, balance sheets and management accounts and submit them to prior checking by the Audit Committee to the General Meeting for their approval. Balance sheets accompanies written accountability for the overall action of the Board.
  5. Convene General Meetings and sets the daily agenda. Decides for bringing actions and lawsuits to safeguard the interests of the Association or to repel such actions, contesting thereof and for any appeal or waiver from this and for each transaction concerning the interests of the Association, including collective agreements.
  6. Specifies the amount of registration fee for members, compulsory subscription and any other burden of it's members.

2. The Administrative Council may, on specific decisions, subject to revocation, to delegate some of these responsibilities in by a Committee established by the President , Vice-President, Secretary and the Cashier.

3. The services of each member of the Board and of the Bureau are honorary and are provided without remuneration. They are justified only travel expenses and  representation expenses , which are decided by the General Meeting and within the budget of the year they are incurred.



1.The Chairman of the Board, shall convene the meeting by signing along with the General Secretary the invitations, presides and directs the meetings. Suggests, in cooperation with the General Secretary, issues to be discussed and chairs the Association in general.

2.Executes in cooperation with the General Secretary, the decisions of the Board and the General Meeting.

3.Represents the Association towards any authority, State, Municipal, Community, banks and any kind organizations and legal entities of public or private sector or persons, between the Association and those of any kind of public relations.

4.Conducts with the General Secretary  valid contracts and agreements in the name the Association, in implementation of the Board decision, which it represents.

5.Accepts and carries out lawsuits, judicial remedies of any kind or resigns from such judicial remedies, after the Board of Directors for each case or trial done at the Association's name whom he represents and appoint attorneys lawyers.

6.Signs along with the General Secretary , all of the Association's outgoing documents any order to pay, money order or check.

7.Oversees strict compliance with the statute, the organization and proper operation of the Association and exercise control over all official institutions and the Treasurer's actions.

8.In case of impediment or absence of  the President, he is replaced in all of the above tasks by the Vice President.





1. The General Secretary monitors and verify the proper functioning of the Association's offices and services, the orderly and proper conduct of correspondence, the archive records of the collective bodies of the Association, classification and preservation of documents, records and forms, in an appropriate file and generally heads the office mechanism of the Association and stands by President demarches and representations to the authorities on matters pertaining to the purposes and objectives of the Association.

2.Signs, along with the President, invitations for the meetings of statutory bodies, all outgoing documents, payment orders and checks and cooperate with him, the design, management and addressing of the Association's affairs and in the drafting of report on the activity of the Administration, which introduces to the Administrative Council for approval and then recommends the report to the General Meeting.

3. He is responsible for keeping membership records, the Board's archieve & store  Board & General Meeting's archive

4. In case of impediment or absence, the General Secretary is temporarily replaced in his duties by a director appointed by the Administrative Council.




1. The Treasurer takes care of the financial matters of the Association's, monitors actual revenue and oversees the proper functioning of the accounting service, the clearance of accounts and documents and completeness of the supporting documents, receipts and payments. Specifically Treasurer:

Α. Endorse, along with the President of collection bills, acts any payment which decided by the Administrative Council, in accordance with instructions and orders signed by the President and the General. Secretary. The collection bills are numbered and are considered valid by the President of the Audit Committee or his deputy, before their use.

Β. Arrange for direct deposit into a savings account or current account, in the Association's name to banks decided by the Administrative Council and to withdraw money from them, orders or checks of Association, signed by the President and the General Secretary, issued in the name of the Treasurer, who shall have the amounts collected in accordance with the commands given to him and is responsible for managing any anomaly or deficit.

C. Prepares regular, monthly income statement and expenses, submit it to the Administrative Council and monitors the regular and punctual collection of revenue and other Association resources.

D. Supervises in collaboration with the President and the General Secretary for valid  budget drafting for every  calendar year. Monitors and controls the cash clearance of members and submit to the Administrative Council the list of those delayed their mandatory subscriptions and other contributions to the Association.

Ε. Ensures and attends for the safe keeping and storing of accounting books and all supporting documents, values, money instruments ,documents values in general and the available cash balance.

F. By decision of the Board of Directors may set amount of  in the Treasurer's disposal, to address with urgent and unforeseen petty expenses and Association costs.

2. In case of impediment or absence of the Treasurer deputized in his duties by a director appointed by the Administrative Council.



1.The Audit Committee consists of three (3) members elected by the General Assembly in accordance with the above ARTICLE 16, along with the Administrative Council and a term which coincides with that of the Board and is three years

2.The Audit Commission, once elected, formed in the body and by secret ballot, elects the President, who calls and conducts the meetings and all of its tasks.

3.Task of the Audit Committee is the continuous and systematic monitoring and control of financial management of the Association.

4.The Audit Commission exercises its responsibility collectively and, during  the execution of their task, has complete research and monitoring initiative.The Administrative Council, the General Secretary, Treasurer and all members of the Association shall make available to the Audit Committee, all administrative, accounting and management books and records kept in accordance with the law and the statutes and any other item or document, the audit Committee considers necessary for the exercise of control

5.At least one month before the session of the General Meeting, the Audit Committee has the athority for  of total control of the financial management of the year ended and prepare and submit the report to the Administrative Council, 10 days at least before the meeting

6.The Audit Committee, based on the above data and the balance sheet and report, which promptly make available to the Administrative Council, shall draw up its report, which must be justified, clear, with observations, results, conclusions and recommendations in accordance to the results in an annual accounting judgment period.The Audit Committee submits this report  to the General Assembly.

7. Checking  books and records  by the Audit Committee must be made within the Association office and exporting or removing them from this  office is forbitten.

8. The Audit Committee convenes extraordinarily whenever the President or two of its members, or the Administrative Council of the Association deems it necessary. The application is submitted to the Chairman of the Audit Committee and must indicate the topics of discussion.The Chairman of the Audit Committee shall convene a meeting within 5 days from the submission of the application with discussion topics as indicated in the application. If the President does not convene in the aforementioned time, the meeting is convened by those who have made the request. In any emergency session of the Audit Committee, the Administrative Council is obliged to provide every component will be asked as during the regular meeting of the Audit Committee.

9. The Audit Committee has a quorum if two members are present and the decisions are taken by absolute majority of the members present.

10. Member of the Audit Committee who is absent from two consecutive meetings, declared deposed and a substitute member is called according to the statute and the law.





1. When the General Assembly is whether elect the Administrative Council, the Audit Committee or the Association representatives for senior organizations involved, to decide on confidence issues on the  management or to approve this accountability or to amend the Legislation of the Association or to decide for the dissolution of the Association and any other event that according to the law it is required secret ballot, this is done with the supervision and responsibility of the Election Commission.

2. The Election Committee consists of three (3) members elected by the General Assembly before any ballot , on matters of the preceding paragraph and to elect this accordingly applied the procedure and the provisions of Article 14 of the Statute, concerning the election of the Board Council.

3. Along with the three members ,equal number of alternates are elected too, replacing anyone unable to attend or refusing to fulfill its obligations as a member of the Election Commission. If there are no  nominations in combinations, candidates placed into a single ballot, in which the names of candidates in alphabetical order. Then they are elected based on the number of votes gathered, three members and two alternates. The crosses in all cases are up to 2.

4. Chairman of the Election Commission in case of elections for statutory bodies and representatives in senior organizations is the representative of the Judicial authority, in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 3,4,5 and 6 of article 11 of Law no. 1264/1982..

5. In the Election Committee  a member can not be also a  candidate for the offices for which elections are held.

6. The Election Commission shall, before voting begins,check the authenticity of the copy of the Registry, whereby the voting takes place, and  has the obligation to timely deliver the board.

7. The voting always be carried, by showing the identity card or other official document, which shows the identity of the member with the special voting card when it is issued.Until the voting booklet is published the  vote is conducted with  the health booklet or the insurance booklet.The Election Commission shall keep voting protocols, distinct for each election statutes and bodies ,separate  for the election of representatives to the upper organizations and  should be  recorded by the  serial number, the name of the voter and affixing the signature thereof. At the end of the voting every protocol must be shield and signed by the Electoral Commission.

8. The Election Commission shall provide for the maintenance of order during the voting time so that it is carried out  in a free and unaffected way, to ensure the privacy of the vote, to remove outside the voting area any non-voter and to decide on any challenge or appeal resulting during the vote, and any related issues. May allow the presence of official agents of the Association  to assist in the procedure.

9. During the conduct of the elections and the proclamation of successful candidates, in the election area may participate one representative from each combination of candidates.

10.After the voting, the Election Commission, after verifying that there are no  other voters, opens the ballot box and makes sorting of ballots, observing sorting table and proclaims the candidates, the elected according to ARTICLE 14 for the corresponding posts and runners substitutes.

11.The Electoral Commission prepares a relevant report for voting, to count the votes, the proclamation of laureates, the submitted objections, decisions and any issue that arose during the elections, , signed by all its members and the Judicial Representative . These reports, along with the registry copy and voting protocols used in elections are held in the district court of the Association headquarters, and copies of them in the Association file.








1. The representatives of the Association in second level trade union organizations, which the Association is a member of, are elected by the General Assembly, together with the election of the Board, their term of office is three years and coincides with that of the Board. The election carried out by the system and the procedure of Article 16, concerning the election of the Board implemented accordingly. Candidates for the institutions have the right to be candidates for second level trade union organizations.

2.The election of the representatives carried out by separate ballot, and the candidates  in order of votes in combinations and individual candidates, respectively replenish the regular representatives in the event of resignation, death, disqualification or withdrawal of members.

3.For the election of the association representatives in Federations only members who have chosen this association as the main organization can vote. The member shall not be entitled to change organization three years before the election in the primary organization, which previously had been chosen as the main, and which had voted for the election of representatives in second level organizations.






1. For the proper functioning and legitimate management of finances of the Association the following books must be kept, numbered and updated before being used by the Registrar of the Court of the Association headquarters.

a. Register books of members in which are listed in numerical order, the name of the member, the number of identity card, the number of special voting card, the enrollment dates and cancellation of membership, as well as the liquidity information.

b. Archieves of the General Assembly meetings.

c.The archieves of the Audit Committee meetings.

d. Ledger, which records in chronological order all receipts and payments.

e. The property book in which recorded all movable and immovable assets of the Association.

f. Book in which registered, in numerical order, the names of the members of the Association, for which specific voting card issued. The registration number in this book, and a number of special voting card. In the same book is also recorded and the date of the Board's decision on a topic, the topic's date, and the date of the loss or cancellation of the special voting card. In case of loss, indicate the number of new special voting card. In a separate column indicating the name of the second primary organization in connection with any member belongs.

g) Archives of the Administrative Council.

2. Besides these books and any other accounting or management books kept, the financial status of the Association imposes on the accounting and administrative completeness and integrity thereof and receipts bills and payment orders numbered and considered by the President of the Audit Commission or the legal substitute before their use. Also any other records and supporting data are kept that are imposed by provisions of other laws .

3. The members of the Association and the overlying organizations to which the association belongs, are entitled to be informed of the content of these books and records.






1. Amending this statute, decided by the General Assembly convened for this purpose. For the decision requires the majority laid down in para. 2 of Article 15 of that statute, and ARTICLE 5 Fri the 8th of Law. 1712-1787.



1.The Association is dissolved: a. In accordance with the law. b. At the judgment, as required by law c. Following the decision of the General Assembly convened specifically for this purpose, in which a quorum of half required at least of the economically arranged members and a majority of three-quarters of those present, according to ARTICLE 5 par. 8 of Law. 1712-1787

2. Dissolving the Association, the property comes with a board decision ordered by the General Assembly of its members.






The Business Consultants Association (SY.S.EP.) has its own stamp ,banner and trademark.

A. The stamp is circular and has at its center the name of the Association (Business Consultants Association) and peripherally the name and year of establishment.

B. The banner of the Association is purple  and has a picture of a purple circle with a vertically zigzag line in white color  and below the circle in Roman capital bold letters indicate the SYSEP name.



1.The Association recognizes as benefactors those who offer money or other items .

2. Donors and benefactors recorded in the Administative's Council archives.




Anything that is not foreseen by the Statutes is regulated by the Administrative Council of the Association in accordance with the current law.The Administrative Council is vigilant in its compliance with provisions of the Statute, with the spirit of commitment to the realization of the Association's objectives and safeguard and promote the interests of members.




1.         The Legislation is composed of 31 articles a consolidation by chapter and 'ARTICLE provisions, as approved by the founding members.

2.         This Legislation  aplies after the Court's legitimation.

3.     The present legislation shall be approved as it stands and signed as below, by the founding members. Last page of the Legislation is the thirty-third (33).The present document is consisting of 31 articles after the amendments approved today by the Expansible General Meeting convened for this purpose.

Thessaloniki,   May  20 2015


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